Event Stage content & timetable

There’s upcoming presentations all the time and we update the program. Most of the presentations are in Finnish. Although, you can always ask questions in English.

Welcome to present to the Event Stage at Tampere Hall 1st floor lobby. The equipment is screen and sound system. The screen is good to present pictures to support your presentation. Recommendation for the duration of the presentations is 5-15 minutes.

Free entrance to the Event Stage.


Wed 24.5. Agathon Fabergé

11am-11.15am Agathon Fabergé -issue presentation (Seppo Salonen & Eeva Välikangas-Yli-Koski, Finnish)
11.30am-12pm Postiljonen: Fakes, Forgeries & Experts Journal  
12pm-1pm Event stage closed (FINLANDIA 2017 Opening, Small Auditorium)  
1pm-1.30pm Exhibitor presentation (interviewed by Seija-Riitta Laakso)  
1.30pm-1.50pm The Finnish Postal Museum (Elina Eerola, Finnish/English) 

The youth collection of Kalaja school (Finnish)


Stamp graphic artist’s interviews (interviewed by Anita Häggblom in Finnish)


The winner of the ”Little number 2” children’s TV-program’s competition about designing a stamp

3.15pm-3.30pm Finnish National symbols (Jussi Tuovinen, Finnish Heraldic Association, Finnish)
3.30pm-3.45pm Thematic Philately (Ulla Kemppilä in Finnish)  
3.45pm-4pm Finland on Stamps -book presentation (Finnish). The book is also in English.
4pm-4.30pm Exhibitor presentation (interviewed by Seija-Riitta Laakso)  

Postcrossing – Postcards Connecting the World (Ana Campos, Postcrossing Headquarters)


Thu 25th May Finland’s Independence 100

11.30am-11.45am Finnish National symbols (Jussi Tuovinen, Finnish Heraldic Association, in Finnish)
12.30pm-12.45pm Postcrossing – Postcards Connecting the World (Ana Campos, Postcrossing Headquarters)  
12.45pm-1pm Seppo Viita: Lauri Viidan kirjeet 1938-1944
(in Finnish)
1pm-2pm Exhibitors presentation (interviewed by Seija-Riitta Laakso)  
2pm-2.30pm Faroe Island Catalogue Release (Stefan Heijtz)  
2.30pm-2.45pm Thematic Philately (Ulla Kemppilä in Finnish)  
2.45pm-3pm Finnish Picture Postcard Association (Pertti Leppänen, Finnish) / Stamp Forum 2017 (Finnish)
3pm-4pm Exhibitors presentation (interviewed by Seija-Riitta Laakso)  
4pm-4.15pm History and symbolic of the Finnish flag (lieutenant commander Hannu Hillo, Finnish Heraldic Association, Finnish)
4.15pm-4.30pm History and symbolic of the Finnish Coat of Arms (Unni Leino, University of Tampere, Finnish)  

Fri 26th May City of Tampere

10.45am-11.00am Postcrossing – Postcards Connecting the World (Ana Campos, Postcrossing Headquarters)  
11am-12pm Exhibitors presentation (interviewed by Seija-Riitta Laakso)  
12pm-12.15pm Suomen postitaksat 1875 – 2001 (Harri Ala-Honkola, Hannu Kauppi, Ari Muhonen ja Esko Seitsonen)
2pm-2.15pm Remarkable football (Jukka Junttila in Finnish)  
2.15pm-2.30pm Identification of sealing labels (Jewellery artis and estimator Mia Hillo, Atelier Torbjörn Tillander in Finnish)  
2.30pm-2.45pm Postcrossing – Postcards Connecting the World (Ana Campos, Postcrossing Headquarters)  
3pm-3.15pm Thematic Philately (Ulla Kemppilä in Finnish)  
3.15pm-3.30pm Finnish Picture Postcard Association (Erkki Tuominen, Finnish)
4.15pm-4.30pm History and symbolic of the Finnish flag (lieutenant commander Hannu Hillo, Finnish Heraldic Association, in Finnish)
4.30pm-4.45pm Finland on Stamps -book presentation (Finnish). The book is also in English.


Sat 27th May Moomins and Families

10am-10.15am Making of Moomin Museum: Moomin stamp -dokument. Producer Moomin Museum.
10.15am-10.30am Finland on Stamps -book presentation (Finnish). The book is also in English.
10.30am-11am Exhibitors presentation (interviewed by Seija-Riitta Laakso)  
11am-11.30am Peaks into the Dancing Moominvalley (Heikki Mäenpää & co)
11.30am-12pm Exhibitors presentation (interviewed by Seija-Riitta Laakso)  
12pm-12.30pm Stamp Quiz (Finnish)  

The stamp collection of the Heinola Stamp Club (Finnish)


Stamp Quiz (Finnish)


Stamp Quiz (Finnish)


Making of Moomin Museum: Moomin stamp -dokument. Producer Moomin Museum.

3pm-3.30pm Peaks into the Dancing Moominvalley (Heikki Mäenpää & co)
4.15pm-4.30pm Finland on Stamps -book presentation (Finnish). The book is also in English.


Sun 28th May The Finnish Postal Museum and Postcrossing

11.30am-11.45am History and symbolic of the Finnish Coat of Arms (Unni Leino, University of Tampere, Finnish)  
12pm-12.15pm The Finnish Postal Museum (Kimmo Antila, Finnish)
12.15pm-12.30pm The Finnish Postal Museum’s Friends (Pirkko Hassinen, Finnish)
12.30pm-12.45pm Postcrossing – Postcards Connecting the World (Ana Campos, Postcrossing Headquarters)