

Applying to FINLANDIA 2017 is done using interactive application forms.


Download the interactive exhibit application forms here:

* FINLANDIA 2017 Application Form Interactive (PDF 502kB)  

* FINLANDIA 2017 Philatelic Literature Exhibit Information Form (PDF 583kB


Instructions for filling exhibit application forms:

1. Download the interactive PDF to your computer.

2. Open the PDF file using Adobe Reader *).

3. Fill in the interactive PDF form for each exhibit.

4. Save the PDF file to your computer.

5. Send the PDF file to your national Commissioner to be forwarded to the Commissioner General by 30 June, 2016.


See more detailed instructions in the linked PDF document: 

For further instructions or information contact your national commissioner.


*) You can upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader for Windows(R), Mac, or Linux(R) by visiting

For more assistance in filling interactive PDF forms with Adobe Reader visit



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