Art and History Tour to Serlachius Museums, Friday 26 May 2017
You will have a chance to experience beautiful Finnish nature and cultural attractions by participating in a full day excursion to Serlachius Museums in Mänttä. During the trip, you will be offered glimpses on the Finnish industrial history, picturesque Finnish countryside as well as great artistic and architectural pearls!
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The small town of Mänttä is located some one-hour drive north from Tampere. Mänttä has its roots in Finnish paper industry, and nowadays has a vibrant art scene. The newly renovated art museum Gösta offers exquisite art in breathtakingly beautiful Finnish scenery, while the museum Gustaf presents culture through experiences! Lunch will be served at Gösta’s top-rated restaurant, which favours local, high-quality ingredients and seasonal treats.
The new extension to the art museum, Gösta’s Pavilion, is a brilliant example of European cooperation: An international architectural competition on the design of the extension was held in 2010–2011 and it attracted 579 submissions from 42 countries. The competition was won by the Barcelona architectural firm MX_SI’s work Parallels, designed by architects Héctor Mendoza, Mara Partida and Boris Bezan. Further design was launched on the basis of the submission, and the construction work began in autumn 2012.
The building has collected several awards and has been nominated in many competitions both in Finland and abroad. It won, for example, the Wood Building of the Year award in Finland in November 2014. The Pavilion was one of the four finalists in the Architecture Finlandia Prize. The pavilion gained international visibility as a candidate in the Mies van der Rohe 2015 competition, the European Union’s most important contemporary architecture competition.
The cost of the Mänttä excursion is EUR 95/person. Please book your tickets well in advance on the registration form. See also the registration info. In addition to yourself you may also register one or more accompanying persons on the same form. You can choose to pay by credit card (VISA, Master Card or Eurocard), by choosing an automatically generated invoice which you will receive as an email attachment, or by choosing a manually issued invoice to which an invoicing fee of EUR 12 will be added.
No refunds can be made for cancellations received after 15 March 2017.
You will be able to pick up your Mänttä excursion ticket at the Finlandia 2017 registration desk at Tampere Hall during exhibition opening hours.
We are looking forward to seeing you on the excursion to Mänttä!
Agenda for the Mänttä excursion
10.00 am Bus leaves from Tampere
11.15 am Welcome to Serlachius Museums
11.15 am Auditorium at Museum Gustaf
A short film, The Story of Serlachius, introduces the viewer to the lively history of a Finnish forest combine by the name of G. A. Serlachius Ltd., by no means forgetting humour, either. The duration of the film is 30 minutes.
11.45 am Guided tours at Gustaf
The life at the former head office, architecture and exhibitions.
12.45 pm Paper Devil
The permanent exhibition in the Gustaf Museum tells the story of the petulant paper mill owner in a completely new way. Paper Devil offers a dramatized and visual experience in the exhibition. The phases of the mill owner’s life takes the spectators from one scene to the next and from one atmosphere to another. Serlachius himself, his family, enemies and friends each have their say.
1.15 pm Bus ride to Gösta museum
The group uses its own bus for transportation.
1.30 pm Lunch at Restaurant Gösta
Pavilion lunch. Season lunch, consisting main course, fresh green salad and a sweet dessert. Including a cup of coffee or tea
2.45 pm Guided tours at Gösta
During the guided tour the highlights of the Art Museum Gösta will be introduced to us, both the manor and the pavilion. The old manor shows us the pearls of the Golden Age of Finnish art from the collections of the Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation. We also get acquainted with the top artworks at the exhibitions of Gösta’s new pavilion. The guided tours provide us with more information on the architecture of the pavilion, its construction, the phases of the Joenniemi manor and the colorful life of the industrialist family of Serlachius.
4.00 pm Bus leaves to Tampere, arrival at 5.30 pm
You have enought time to join the Gala Concert starting at 7.00 pm at Tampere Hall Main Auditorium. Please, register to the Concert: REGISTRATION INFO.